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Community Calendar

January 18, 2017 6:00 PM

First Quarter Board of Directors Meeting

Kenyon & Associates, Inc.

645 Sierra Rose Dr, Suite 104

Reno, NV  89511


Regularly scheduled meetings of the Board of Directors occur once every quarter and follow a pre-published agenda.  The purpose of these meetings is to discuss the day-to-day operations of the homeowners association, such as review of member correspondence, approval of past meeting minutes, review and acceptance of financial reports, review of old business, and discussion and voting on new business.  Time is allocated for open discussion in which individual homeowners are allocated two (2) minutes per property to discuss items of their choosing.  Action may not be taken on items not on the agenda except in emergencies.  During the remainder of the meeting, comments, discussion, and voting are limited to the Board of Directors.

April 1, 2017

Spring Weed Abatement

Now is the time to apply pre-emergent to vacant lots and landscaped areas to deter growth of spring weeds and minimize fuel for summer wildfires.


April 28-May 1, 2017

Spring Community Clean-Up Weekend

Join your neighbors for our annual Spring Community Clean-Up Weekend.  Dumpsters will be provided on Silver Wolf Road and Springer Court for your landscaping waste.

April 26, 2017 6:00 PM

Second Quarter Board of Directors Meeting

Wolf Run Golf Glub

1400 Wolf Run Rd

Reno, NV  89511


May 31, 2017

Street Sweeping

Please remove vehicles from the street for the spring street sweeping.

July 19, 2017 6:00 PM

Third Quarter Board of Directors Meeting

Kenyon & Associates, Inc.

645 Sierra Rose Dr, Suite 104

Reno, NV  89511

Pending, 2017

Fall Community Clean-Up Weekend

Join your neighbors for our annual Fall Community Clean-Up Weekend.  Dumpsters will be provided on Silver Wolf Road and Springer Court for your landscaping waste.

Pending, 2017

Street Sweeping

Please remove vehicles from the street for the fall street sweeping

October 18, 2017 6:00 PM

Fourth Quarter Board of Directors Meeting

Kenyon & Associates, Inc.

645 Sierra Rose Dr, Suite 104

Reno, NV  89511

October 18, 2017 6:00 PM

Budget Ratification Meeting

Kenyon & Associates, Inc.

645 Sierra Rose Dr, Suite 104

Reno, NV  89511


This brief annual meeting is held to ratify the upcoming annual budget unless more than a majority of all unit owners vote to reject the budget, either in person or by proxy.

October 18, 2017 6:00 PM

Annual Meeting of the Members

Kenyon & Associates, Inc.

645 Sierra Rose Dr, Suite 104

Reno, NV  89511


An annual meeting of the homeowners association occurs during the last quarter of the year.  Time is allocated for open discussion in which individual homeowners are allocated two (2) minutes per property to discuss items of their choosing.  Action may not be taken on items not on the agenda except in emergencies.  During the remainder of the meeting, comments, discussion, and voting are limited to the Board of Directors.

October 18, 2017 6:00 PM

Organizational Meeting of New Board of Directors

Kenyon & Associates, Inc.

645 Sierra Rose Dr, Suite 104

Reno, NV  89511

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